youth ministry


“The church, if it wants spiritual depth, must reach out to teenagers and help them mature in their faith.” – Paul Martin.

In Tanzania there is a huge youth and young adult demographic, many with relatively low education, a growing connectivity to the world and a passion for change. The challenge is that there is a increasing gap between the local church and its ability to engage and disciple this age group.

Couple this with youth rapidly gathering in the cities, many whom are away from their parents and healthy influence, often culminating in rebellious attitudes and actions. Hence there is a great opportunity for Gospel impact and change.

At LEAD Tanzania we desire to help strengthen the church in this area and provide training and coaching that helps develop an effective discipleship based youth ministry.

Youth ministry, particularly in the west, has been viewed as something almost separate from the main church. The fundamental idea of the inclusive congregational approach is what we desire to cultivate so that youth ministry is part of a comprehensive ministry of the congregation.


